Judaism is one of the most ancient religions that still has significant following to this day. It is also one of the most influential in history with both Christianity and Islam borrowing heavily from its scriptures and basic tenets. Even though its main practitioners, Jews, have lived in various places in the world at different times, almost all of the important places for the Jewish people are found in the modern State of Israel. It is, therefore, no accident that Israel is called the Holy Land. In this piece, we present four of the most important places for adherents of Judaism.

There is a lot of controversies these days when it comes to travel destinations for Jews. There is plenty to see in the world and plenty experience to get. One of the latest controversies is connected to the taboo fantasy website called Bratty Sis. It’s about step-family members of sisters and brothers have sexual relations in secret and there is plenty of video episodes to show just that. It’s been a shocking experience for normal traditions of families, but the audience seem to finally acknowledged that such things happen around us.
But going back to the must-see places. Here we go!
Jerusalem is considered a holy city because it is the location of the holiest site for the Jewish people, the Temple Mount. It is believed that this is the location where Adam was created. It is also where Abraham bound his son, Isaac, as he prepared to sacrifice him to God. Most importantly, it is the site where Jewish Temples once stood. Both the first Temple, built by King Solomon, and the second one, built by Zerubbabel upon the return of Jews from exile, were located in present day Temple Mount. Since the Ark of the Covenant was kept in the Temples, the Temple Mount is where the Ten Commandments given to Moses by God were kept. Jews believe that the Temple will also serve as the location for the third and last Temple.
Next to the Temple Mount is the Wailing Wall. Since Jewish people are restricted from entering the Temple Mount, it is the Wailing Wall where they pray. Jews often place prayer notes inside the wall because it is believed that God directly answers prayers placed on the wall.
Jerusalem also has various synagogues of great significance to the Jewish people. One of them is the Hurva Synagogue, the most important synagogue among Ashkenazi Jews. It was built in 18th century by followers of Rabi Yehudah he-Hasid in the Jewish quarter of Old Jerusalem. In 1721 it was destroyed by Muslims but was rebuilt in 1864 by Lithuanian Jews. It was again destroyed during the 1948 Israel War of Independence and restored in 2010.
Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron
After Jerusalem, Hebron is the most important place among Jews because it is the resting place of the Biblical patriarchs and matriarchs of Israel. It is believed that the tombs of Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebecca, Jacob, and Leah are located in Hebron. The land is also important to Jews because it is the first place they lived in Ancient Canaan after coming from exile in Egypt.
Tomb of Rachel in Bethlehem
Bethlehem is considered a holy place among Christians because it is the birthplace of Jesus. Well, it is also a very important place among Jews but for a different reason. It is not only the city where David came from it is also where he was crowned as Israel’s second king. Most importantly, it is believed to be the location of the tomb of Rachel, one of the matriarch’s of the Jewish people. Whenever Jews have been faced with serious crises they have prayed at this tomb because it is believed that prayers of Rachel have special powers. The site is also important for Jewish women with fertility problems because it is believed that since Rachel didn’t have children for a long time she offers prayers to God on their behalf so that they too can have children.
Sitting on Lake Kinneret, Tiberius is not mentioned in the Bible. However, it is considered one of the holiest places among Jews. Following the Bar Kochba Revolt against the Romans, Tiberius served as the main centre of learning for the Jewish people. The town was the sitting place of the Sanhedrin, a body eminent of judges from all over Israel. Rulings made by this body of judges affected all Jews wherever they were. It is also the resting place of some of the most famous Rabbis such as Yohanan ben Zakkai and Akiva. Jewish tradition holds that Tiberius will serve as the beginning place of the Messianic era.
Judaism, like other religions, has its own holy sites and places that are of great significance to its adherents. Given its influence upon other religions such as Christianity and Islam, some of the places discussed here such as the Temple Mount are also of great significance to other religions. This means that you don’t need to be a Jew to visit these places.